Peta Kekuatan Militer RI dan Perbandingannya dengan Negara Lain

Berdasarkan Sources: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) Kekuatan Militer Indonesia masuk dalam rangking 14 di seluruh Dunia. Survey tersebut didasarkan beberapa aspek. untuk kekuatan perang bangsa kita, lihat saja detail-nya sebagai berikut :

Total Population: 237,512,352 [2008]
Population Available: 125,530,542 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 104,496,911 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 4,291,700 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 316,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 400,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 207,000 [2008]

Total Land-Based Weapons: 2,122
Tanks: 425 [2004]
Armored Personnel Carriers: 684 [2004]
Towed Artillery: 293 [2004]
Self-Propelled Guns: 70 [2004]
Anti-Aircraft Weapons: 515 [2004]

Total Aircraft: 313 [2004]
Helicopters: 194 [2004]
Serviceable Airports: 652 [2007]


Total Navy Ships: 111
Merchant Marine Strength: 971 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 10
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 0 [2008]
Submarines: 2 [2004]
Frigates: 15 [2004]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 24 [2004]
Mine Warfare Craft: 12 [2004]
Amphibious Craft: 26 [2004]

Labor Force: 109,900,000 [2007]
Roadways: 391,009 km
Railways: 6,458 km


Defense Budget: $4,740,000,000 [2008]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $56,920,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $843,700,000 [2008]

Oil Production: 837,500 bbl/day [2007]
Oil Consumption: 1,100,000 bbl/day [2006]
Proven Oil Reserves: 4,430,000,000 bbl [2007]

Waterways: 21,579 km
Coastline: 54,716 km
Square Land Area: 1,919,440 km

Berikut 20 Peringkat Kekuatan Militer Didunia
  1. United States of America U.S.A.
  2. China
  3. Russia
  4. India India
  5. United Kingdom U.K.
  6. France
  7. Germany
  8. Brazil
  9. Japan
  10. Turkey
  11. Israel
  12. South Korea
  13. Italy
  14. Indonesia
  15. Pakistan
  16. Taiwan
  17. Egypt
  18. Iran
  19. Mexico
  20. North Korea

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